rose vinegar

Trader Joe’s Organic Rose Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Review

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Trader Joe’s Organic Rose Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Review

You know those days where you are just feeling plain out lazy, and you don’t have it in you to get 2 bottles of stuff off the shelves to dress your salads. You know, it just sounds like so much effort. My gosh, why do I have to deal with all these hardships in my life? Why cant I get my salad dressed for eating with only reaching for 1 bottle? Oh wait, what?! Now you CAN! Enter this solid 4 CHEST option! The Rose pre-mixed salad dressing! I LOVE this stuff. A new go-to in my fridge. The Rose Vinaigrette flavor has just a hit of sweetness to it. Slightly reminds me of that flavor you get with a balsamic white vinegar if you’ve ever had it, but balanced out with a nice amount of oil and some red wine vinegar tangy-ness to round it all out. GO TRY THIS! What are you waiting for!


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