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Trader Joe’s Cooking: Veggie Steak Dinner

Dating a vegan chick really changes things. You start doing all sort’s of new things you’d have never dreamed of previously. I never thought I’d be the guy making a steak dinner out of grilled cauliflower. Nor did I ever imagine I’d enjoy it so much. Nor did I imagine feeling content like I just ate an actual large beef steak. Nor did I imagine I could ever tolerate someone who pissed me off so much. Uh…oh wait..TMI…let’s just say, she’s awfully sweet, and has instilled some better eating habits in me..we’ll just leave it at that! 😉 Love you sweedums…

This was excellent though! Rubbed some fresh Trader Joe’s cauliflower cuts with Trader Joe’s Olive Oil, seasoned with Montreal steak seasoning. On the side, those are Trader Joe’s Lentils, Trader Joe’s Roasted Corn, and a Trader Joe’s Butter Leaf and Radicchio salad.


For more info visit: http://www.traderjoes.com/

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