Trader Joe's Shelled Edamame Frozen Review

Trader Joe’s Shelled Edamame Frozen Review

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Trader Joe’s Shelled Edamame Frozen Review

Well guys, hmm…not to sure what all to tell you here. Um, these are beans, they have no husks. They are rich in beany goodness? Um…you don’t have to do as much work to eat them?

Haha..well, aside from that, I suppose they are ok. If you’ve never had em, they are quite soft when defrosted or cooked. Have sort of a buttery finish on the taste. Definitely a distinct flavor as compared to something like a pinto or kidney bean for example. They taste more vegetable like as opposed to the normal chalky bean consistency most of us are probably used to. IDK, the only reason I gave them a 2 chest review is solely because I just don’t know what to do with these other than heat em up and eat them solo. I’m sure there are other bright ideas, and I’d love to hear about em! Let us know how you’ve used these in your home cooking down below!


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