Lazy Egg + Free Pizza

Lazy Egg + Free Pizza

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If you’ve read my blog for a while now, you know how lazy I am. You know how it goes, you wake up, you’re just still totally buzzed from the night before when you were out drinking cheap wine and eating pizza with your girlfriend and two random Kiwis who didn’t know each other but 2 hours prior. You’re still a little bit confuse about how you ended up in such an awkward social situation. I mean, sometimes just gotta make lemonade outta lemons though. Right? Aaaaaaannyyways, the last thing you want to do is slave over a hot stove for a proper breakfast.

Thank THE LORD you’ve got some leftover hash you made with some Trader Joe’s Tuscan Kale, Trader Joe’s Soyrizo, Trader Joe’s Pinto Beans, and a sweet yellow onion.

All you’ve got to to is warm some of that goodness up on the frying pan for a wee bit, scoot it to the side with your bamboo spoon you got from the dollar store, then fry a couple eggs up on the side of ’em and top with a few drops of Trader Joe’s Sriracha. Then not only are you lookin like a culinary genius, but you are happy you have food now and you can forget all about the night’s antics.

BTW, thank you random Kiwi guy, where ever you are, for buying us all pizza. That was ultra kind of you…

Lazy Egg + Free Pizza

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