Pink Salad? If you want to make pretty much anything you are preparing turn pink, just put a boat load of fresh beets into the
Category: Cooking Ideas

Very Veggie Sandwich I think even most meat eaters would be surprised at how satisfying a straight up all veggie sandwich can be. I challenge

This recent pasta dish I made came out pretty good. I was shooting for fresh and green. Seemed to all come together nicely. The interesting

When you’re sick, the last thing you want to do is spend lots of time cooking. I like eating soup when I have a cold,

I’m a huge fan of grilling these Argentinian Shrimp! What I like to do is toss them in a bowl with a bunch of Cajun

My most recent pasta concoction included this product! I started out by sauteing some Trader Joe’s Sweet Baby Bell Peppers, Trader Joe’s Kale, Trader Joe’s

How do you use your sausage at home? This may be TMI for you, but I’ll tell you how I like to use mine at

Here’s a unique smoothie idea using this yogurt. Combine a few spoon fulls of Trader Joe’s Greek yogurt with a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds,

Gotta give a shout out to my girl Yvette here. She taught me this one. But it’s a great way to incorporate this oatmeal cereal

Soy chorizo hash breakfast! Andale amigos! Pan fried red potatoes, sauteed red onions, and Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo cooked up into the mix to tie