Trader Joe’s French Vanilla Coffee Review To be quite honest, I’ve never been super excited about the coffee options at Trader Joe’s. Ever since they
Category: Coffee

Trader Joe’s Shade Grown Ground Espresso Blend Review Being Italian, I assure you, I can tell the difference between crap espresso and the good stuff!

Trader Joe’s Light Roast Joe Coffee Review You know those times when you just need to get like really high on caffeine? Like, you’ve got

Trader Joe’s Joe Brand Medium Roast Coffee Review Ah yes, the beloved Joe branded coffee. How much do you think TJ’s corporate loves the simplicity

Trader Joe’s Dark Coffee Review Wow, can you possibly get any more of a “staple” dark coffee than Trader Joe’s Dark?! I mean, this stuff

Trader Joe’s Select Harvest Curated Coffee Review Well this coffee sure is an interesting find. It’s actually a blend of beans that come from vastly

Trader Joe’s Organic Fair Trade Breakfast Blend Coffee Review This coffee is very much a middle of the road drinker. Medium on the body and

Trader Joe’s Italian Roast Coffee Review If you’ve ever felt the need to momentarily transport yourself back to that moment in time when you sat

Overall, not a bad cup of Joe. It definitely falls more on the lighter side of things and I would classify it as mellow. A

This Cafe Pajaro Coffee stands out for sure! Those of you who know me well know that there’s just no messing around when it comes