Trader Joe’s Simpler Times Pilsner Beer

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Most of us go through various phases in the course of our lives. Many of these phases we grow out of. Such as, the young and rebellious phase. The I’m not eating onions phase. Or the I’m not wearing underwear anymore phase. However, some phases we just never grow out of, like the cheap beer phase. Or at least I haven’t. And maybe you’re just like me! And you still fancy a good ol’ fashioned cheap-o beer from time to time! If you are, well boy are you in luck. Because you just can’t get much cheaper and tastier than a Simpler Times!! I don’t care what anyone says, this stuff tastes great for what you pay for it. Seriously, you stack a PBR, a Hamm’s, or a Schlitt’s up to one of these puppies and we all know which one would win in a blind taste test every time! Ok, ok, maybe that’s just my opinion. You can take it or leave it, but I’m tellin’ ya, as cheap beers go this one tops the charts! Surprisingly smooth and crisp, even keeled and mellow, and just a great middle of the road beer all the way around! I will say this though, I do put the Pilsner version in a category all of it’s own. I haven’t reviewed it yet but I’ve also had the Simpler Time’s Lager as well. From a taste standpoint the Pilsner is the one I just keep going back to time after time. It really is several cuts above in my book! So give this one a try first if you’re trying to decide which one to go with between the two! Let us know what you think about it down below! It’s just soooo CHEAP!! You can’t afford NOT TO! $3.49

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