trader joes delicata squash produce

Trader Joe’s Delicata Squash Review

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Trader Joe’s Delicata Squash Review

This squash is a seasonal deal at Trader Joe’s. And by deal, I do mean DEAL! What a buy! They sell them at a price per unit, which is awesome, because you can fish around for the biggest torpedo in the bin! That’s right! More squash for your money! You know you’re guilty too! Don’t point that finger at me. A true steal in my book though! Plus, these squashes taste amazing! Depending on how you cook them, they come out soft and buttery. Almost like candy. If you cook with the skin on, which I really prefer, you can get some caramelization action on the outside which sends that flavor profile to the moon and back!

Don’t be scared off by the color, size, and your lack of familiarity of this alien lookin’ squash! Walk on the wild side, and let us know how you’ve prepared them down below! Personally, I have baked them diced up with diced potatoes once. And one time I slowly sauteed them diced up with yellow onions, Trader Joe’s Olive Oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. I preferred that, as I got more of that caramelization action I was talking about before out of them. But I’m pretty sure you’d be hard pressed to mess these things up. Just don’t under cook. I think that potential is there. I’ve used them as a stand alone side, and I’ve also mixed them into a pasta dish one time. Go crazy though! Get creative. $0.99/ea

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