Trader Joe’s Murasaki Sweet Potatoes Review
Ah yes, the Murasaki sweet potatoes. A fine alternative to your normal run of the mill sweet potato. I’m gonna keep this review short and sweet. Ahem, do you see what I have done there? Do you like my puns? No? Well, yeah that one was kinda weak. But these potatoes are short and sweet also, so technically I’m a lyrical genius, like Kanye West in the fish sticks episode of Southpark. Still not buying off on all of this nonsense? Ok, anyways, let’s cut to the chase. I liked these little guys! They are mildly sweet, and actually have this sort of chestnut after taste to them. Very unique. I think they have a low moisture content to that of what I’m used to also, so they might dry out a little fast on you when you cook them. Watch out. All in all a decent product. Just not sure this would be a regular buy for me, and I still think I would favor a normal sweet potato if faced with the option and could only buy one. But if you’re looking for something different to try, then give these potatoes a whirl. They’re not bad at all. Let us know what you think down below! $3.99
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