trader joes wild arugula

Trader Joe’s Wild Arugula Review

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Trader Joe’s Wild Arugula Review

There’s not a whole lot to tell you here guys about this Wild Arugula. It’s always been fresh and tasty when I’ve bought it. I think it’s a great value for the money. I find arugula to be really versatile. I like to make stand alone salads with it, but I also like to add it to pastas, sandwiches, etc. Whatever really. Lot’s you can do with it. Now, can somebody tell me why in the heck do they also call it rocket? I mean, wtf? We don’t go calling romaine lettuce “space ship”. What gives? Let us know how you like to use it in your cooking at home!


Wild Arugula Usage Idea

This recent pasta dish I made came out pretty good. I was shooting for fresh and green. Seemed to all come together nicely. The interesting thing here was that I didn’t boil the Trader Joe’s raviolis ahead of time. I simply took them right out of the freezer, sauteed them real slowly on a 3 setting for a good while with some Trader Joe’s Olive oil, some yellow onion, Trader Joe’s Mushroom Medley, and Trader Joe’s Brussels Sprouts. I let them cook all the way through, then just about as the whole thing was finished, I threw on some Trader Joe’s Wild Arugula and let it wilt just a slight bit. A little black pepper on the top and a dash more of oil, and that was it. Very simple.

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