Trader Joe’s Multigrain Pita Bite Crackers with Whole Wheat and Flax Seeds Review A lot of times when you buy the multi-grain version of your
Category: Snacks

I use an ungodly amount of chickpeas/garbanzo beans in my normal cooking and eating. If you aren’t in the know, beans will make you live

I guess it’s hip to make chips out of whatever the heck you please these days. I mean, who in history really gets to claim

Man, now here’s another story of kale gone wrong in my book. Unfortunately this one was a blunder for me, and I did something that

Alright. I’m gonna shoot you straight here people. It’s a freakin’ pound of Belgian chocolate! What else do you want me to say? Creamy. Sweet.

I just love a great pun! And by great pun, I mean horrible pun. And by horrible pun, I mean talk of finding ones inner

TJ’s! You KILLED IT here! Hands down one of my all time favorite finds in the cookie section! This is basically a mini oatmeal raisin

Are you snickering? Or are you doodling? Are you supposed to be laughing whilst drawing something stupid while you eat these things? How in the

Eating weeds?! What the heck, who does that anyways? I thought only hippies did that in Colorado now that its legal?! Oh wait, wait…weeds? From